
Posts Tagged ‘dying’

“Somebody’s Me”
by Enrique Iglesias
You, do you remember me?
Like I remember you?
Do you spend your life
Going back in your mind to that time?
Because I, I walk the streets alone
I hate being on my own
And everyone can see that I really fell
And I’m going through hell
Thinking about you with somebody else[CHORUS]
Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can’t breath without you, it’s lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody’s Me [2x]
How, How could we go wrong
It was so good and now it’s gone
And I pray at night that our paths soon will cross
And what we had isn’t lost
Cause you’re always right here in my thoughts

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can’t breath without you, it’s lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody’s Me [2x]

You’ll always be in my life
Even if I’m not in your life
Because you’re in my memory
You, when you remember me
And before you set me free
Oh listen please

Somebody wants you
Somebody needs you
Somebody dreams about you every single night
Somebody can’t breath without you, it’s lonely
Somebody hopes that one day you will see
That Somebody’s Me [5x]





I’m getting older by the second, and not just chronologically but emotionally.

I guess I’m lost somewhere between Mid Life Crisis and Senior Citizen Discount Wednesdays.

I know, age wise I’m not that old…but I truly do feel like it. I used to wonder why old Lesbians still went to clubs just to watch the Newbies…. now I know why. You get caught up in the constant responsibility of being an adult and you lose sight of enjoyment in life itself. OK, well I never really had it, but there were moments when I was happy… moments when I could see the hope life brings…but those are past.  I honestly never thought I’d make it to this age…figured I would died off long ago. So facing my life old and alone does not bring any possibility of happiness. I see myself working literally until I die, which may be sooner rather later. I remember the far off look in my Grandmother’s eyes when I was little and it is now that I know what she was thinking…”Youth really is wasted on the young.” 😐


I look at little kids and teenagers and I see all the hope and fantasy about the world that I used to have. I always wanted children, I wanted to be able to let them be kids while they could. Yeah, people would have said I was spoiling them, but I wouldn’t care. I would have taught them the joy of being free to be themselves. They would have gone to school plenty of days with their clothes non matching, but they would have been unique not tacky. They would have told other kids all about sex and politics and when to wear white. They would have known the joys of being barefoot and the difference between a wedge and a stack. I would have loved them until they became rebellious teenagers, and then I would have loved them more. 8)

Of course realistically I know I don’t have children for a reason…I call it Divine Intervention. It was written that I never propagate, never spawn a demon like the one in my soul. It’s for the best I tell myself….I can’t afford to function as it is, a child? That would simply never have worked out financially besides my Mama tells me I’m too selfish to have children…t ells me Im not the Mothering type. Guess that’s why I don’t even have pets. (Never told you about Sahara, Papagallo, Tigger, Cappiachino, Oreo, Mocciata or Boirus & Natasha…that’s another time, not now.) 😥


Most people want to see loved ones that have passed because they have all these “things” they never got to say. To my Grandmother with the far away look, I want to apologize. I want her to know how sorry I am that I have wasted my life…sorry that she had held hopes for me to have a better life and I blew it. I’d cry to her that I am sorry that the only thing I became when I grew up….was a failure at every single thing I ever touched.


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I know I am no prized catch….trust me. I mean I would like to think I am, but my reality says otherwise. And we all know I simply don’t do hopes & dreams………..so I am what I am. But I can’t help but wonder why no one loves me like I dreamed they would (when I was little)?

I hear of people who are in love with each other until they die (of natural causes 😉 ). Maybe “true love” is a myth (like pants…F.O.P reference :mrgreen: ). Everyone I have ever loved, is gone in one way of another. The only one who truly loved me as I am, was my ex, and well I guess that time has passed. She has moved on, and I’m still here…alone. 😥 I think of all the people whom I have loved or who said they loved me and my ex was the only one who I think actually meant it.

Oh well why did I wake up today, again? Yeah, I figured you didn’t know either……….



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Every two weeks I get paid. Or should I say…every two weeks I visit with my children, and by children I mean, bills. I work more than some, but not as much as others. I try to take one day off to visit where my mail goes (otherwise known as my house). On this day I try to do all the household labor that goes neglected while I work. I try to watch some of the cable I pay dearly for, I try to just walk around my lonely house and see again for the first time. But I say all this to say that as it stands my life is the rotting corpse of a roadside possum. 😐

I no longer have hopes and dreams, I no longer look forward to anything…I have nothing….well except bills. Every month I check off each bill as I pay it and this month I decided to add up all the bills to see exactly what I NEED to make at the very minimum and let me say it is a daunting amount. I mean, for my tax bracket I could be living the high life, if it weren’t for so many freaking mistakes I have made (me who said I would never have any regrets 😦  ). I look around at the people I work with (people I know I make more than) and I listen to their financial problems and I thank the heavens I don’t have children because I would have broken long ago. Don’t get me wrong, as I have said before I know I am blessed and I try my best not to take anything for granted, but in the same respect…I am going to go insane. 😮

When I sleep, I have nightmares…I dream “they” are coming to take away my house and some days it seems so very real. I dream I have to sell everything I own and it’s still not enough to pay them all. Sounds stupid I know, but I wake up panicking and sweating every time and I lose more and more with each dream. I feel as though I eventually will have no choice but to let “her” move back in and that fact kills me…it really does pour salt into my already gaping wounds.

I really think my head is going to explode…at the very least I’m waiting for the heart attack. 😦


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