
Posts Tagged ‘melancholy’


Lately this question has been appearing more often that not in my life and personally I can no longer handle it. An Optimist would say that I am there to see that my problems aren’t as consuming as I thought. That I do have a greater purpose in life, as evident by my being there when someone else is in need. Blah…Blah…Blah. A Pessimist would say that I am there because misery loves company and boy am I miserable.  A realist would say “Who gives a fuck…are you going to jump or not, you’re holding up the line?”

I’m siding with my Realist nature. With each twist of life’s unending roads another pot hole awaits. Everyone is dying a little more each day and some of us are just wasting space… I am just wasting space. 

All I ever wanted was happiness. Never planned on the American Dream of a house, a husband (?), 2.3 kids and a dog… just happiness. A feeling which is just like trying to catch fire flies. See I’m afraid of all things which crawl (yes that includes babies…hahahahhaha). Anyway in my entire life I have never been able to catch one like other children, I’ve always hide in terror. For me happiness is just like that…I can see but I just can’t catch it.

Guess somethings were just never meant to be. So if you meet me on a ledge, just ignore me and deal with your own problems, ok? I’ll try not to hold up the line.



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