
Posts Tagged ‘you can’t teach an old dog’

So here we stand….”she” is a complete and total idiot and I am going to have to make mince meat pies out of her and sell them at the next county fair. 😈


OK, today she was in tears. Why? IGNORANCE!! 😕


She goes on and on about how she is so afraid I’m going to put her out if she moves in and then she’ll have no where to go and nothing. Well duh! How did this start? I went to turn off a light she left on. 😡 I’m getting ready for work and she was like “I’m so scared right now. I’ll do or say something to upset you.”  So here’s where it pisses me off. I’m say calmly (at first), “what is wrong with you?” “If you don’t want to move in, don’t.” “Do not rush into anything you’re that afraid of. I do not want you lurking around me waiting for me to explode. You know what pisses me off and what buttons to press…don’t do it.” Then I start to begun really agitated, because then I notice the 😥 . So I continue, “Grow a backbone, make a decision and do it. If you are in fact moving in here then prepare to do so. Get yourself together, I will not move for you. ” She starts with but I know how you are about things being in there place. OK, what…”don’t make this about me. If your desire to move in meets your fear of moving in…then don’t do it. It’s just that simple. I am not hard to live with, I only ask things that are simple decency {she has none obviously}, turn off a light, close the shower curtain…nothing difficult.” She starts with “I want nothing more than to live here” blah blah blah. And I’m like but “if your fear is delaying you then simply don’t live here. ” 👿


I mean really am I speaking aloud here, can you not hear me Simpleton? 😐

What is your freaking problem? One minute I’m trying to sleep and she’s talking to me and the next she’s laying in the hall crying because I won’t tell her “it’s going to be ok”. Hell, I don’t know it’s going to be ok myself….it probably won’t be. Because if this is happening now, then why are we even having this one sided discussion (because obviously I’m talking to myself here)? 😐


Where’s a wicked step mother and a poison apple when you need one? Maybe a knight looking for a dragon to slay? Or even a candy house, an old woman, and a really awesome oven? 😆


Oh well, please stay tuned for more madness we all know will come……………….


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