
Posts Tagged ‘whining’

I never ask anyone for help, sympathy, money…just understanding. 😐


Each day I go to work from 6pm to 630am since September 8th, seven days a week…at least until Friday because they have once again removed all overtime {no I have no idea what I’ll do 😥 }. Each day when I get home at around 715am, I do all the things I need to do. Lately that has been decorating for Halloween 😀 and buying lots of candy for the ghouls & goblins, my 1st real effort to ever do so. At about 830am, I try to go to sleep. Usually that doesn’t work as either I can’t sleep– you know when you are just too tired or I get caught up in doing something that I fail to realize the time. 🙄 After nightmares, phone calls, doorbells and every other disturbance known to the civilized world, I wake up at 4pm to begin in all again.


Now I say all this for a reason. I still function day to day, fatigued, bleary-eyed and generally morose, but I function. I handle whatever I need to without whining about “being so tired”. 8)


Some people have this innate ability…survival of the fittest. I never thought of myself as strong. Strong willed maybe, but definitely not what one might call a “strong person”. But hell, what do I know…… 😐


This morning I vacuumed all of downstairs, took out all the trash, boxed up some cookware & dishes for my ex, talked to her on the phone, temporary laid new tile in 1 of my bathrooms (right now to see if I’ll like it), and still played with my Halloween candy. Then bed around 9ish.  I actually got up at 4, changed the linens, washed a load of clothes, cleaned 2 bathrooms and then got ready for yet another 12 hour day at work.


Wonder why I’m saying all this? 😕


Because “she” has worked 2 weeks of 6 days at 12 hours a day and “oh I’m so tired”, “my neck hurts”, “I feel so sick”, “I want some ice cream”, “do u have any chocolate”.  Meanwhile I say,”Can you put the clothes in the dryer?” Most of which are hers, and includes my chocolate covered cracker encrusted sheets and do you know what she says? “I’m laying on the bathroom floor because I feel sick.” 😮 I’m thinking oh I got your “feeling sick” right here. 😡


Universe…give me strength….PLEASE!! 😐

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