
Posts Tagged ‘running away’

Let me state for the record……. I AM NOT NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN DANGEROUS.

I read a lot, only things on-line because I can read while at work, and of course I read the article on TruTV about Bloggers who kill. I read about one particularly disturbed person, and it frightened me.

What if someone out there thinks of me as someone like him? We both talk (write) about our meds, our depression, our loneliness. He, however, wrote about his twisted fantasies and I am not a sick minded fuck. But what if you don’t know me and based on what you read think I could be? What if somewhere out there someone is genuinely afraid of what I may do?

Now, I’m afraid to post…afraid that my words are being cataloged in a file somewhere to be used as evidence against me should I snap and run rampant plundering the villagers. What if the people who do know me are thinking this too?

Maybe I’ll just stop writing……..because now I’m all kind of paranoid. 😐

OK…I’ll write, but maybe they’ll just be private from now on. 8)

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